SIPA SFR16 HF SBC SYMPACK. MAGIC HF SO/60/10 AROL .tipo EURO PK used PET line Verifizierter Verkäufer

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Typ used PET line
Baujahr ~ 2006
Standort Italien IT
Kategorie Komplette Produktionseinheiten
Produkt ID P230711121

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SIPA nutzte eine PET-Linie
- Used1 Automatic preform unloader
brand SIPA, year of manufacture 2006, serial number 3000125802CT0176, total dimensions (L)= 1600 mm. total dimensions (P)= 1500 mm. total dimensions (A)= 2400 mm.
1 Hopper elevator for preform feeding
SIPA brand, year of manufacture 2005, electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L). 4000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 4000 mm; total dimensions (A). 3100 mm= description= With introductory belts to the blow molding machine=
1 PET bottle blower
SIPA, SFR16 HF, year of manufacture 2006 serial number 1328 power= 401 kW= electrical connection. 400 V= total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 4000 mm= total dimensions (A). 3500 mm= description= 16 bottle moulds. preforms overturning= capacity 19.200 bottles/h with 1000 ml size, electric mold heating= step speed adjustment= mold set= n.2 SIAD brand electro blow booster 40 Bar compressors= with evaporative cooling tower;
PET bottle blowing line
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
SBC brand, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L)= 10000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 200 mm. description. With 1 push ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Hot filler / rinser / capper
SYMPACK extension. MAGIC HF SO/60/10. year of manufacture 2006, serial number 2708. brand= serial number= 2708= capacity= 16000 I/hr= electrical connection= 400 V, total dimensions (L)= 6200 mm total dimensions (D)= 4700 mm, total dimensions (TO). 3800 mm= description= Hot filling monoblock. with rinsing and capping station; 50 valves= flow rate 16000 I/h= variable filling= format 1 I/ 1.5 I= including washing CIP= switching equipment= feed tank= CE mark;
1 corker
Brand AROL .type EURO PK year of manufacture 2006; screw caps= electrical connection= 380 V; total dimensions (L). 1250 mm= total dimensions (P)= 2200 mm= total dimensions (A). 4000 mm= description= Hopper elevator for caps
1 automatic cap filling inspection
FM Engineering, LDR1201, year of manufacture 2012. serial number 001, serial number= electrical connection= 230 V

Filling/rinsing/hot capping line
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm;
total dimensions (D)= 400 mm, description= For the waste of unsuitable bottles= including the stainless steel structure with fitted electric cables.
1 Inkjet marker
brand. ink industry. type= code cube
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC.year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 5000 mm; total dimensions (g) 100 mm= description= PVC tape= including stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 22000 mm; total dimensions (D) 700 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm; total dimensions (g) 100 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;
1 Steam jet heat shrink tunnel
CLEVER STJ 3 year of manufacture 2008 serial/serial number 0038 electrical connection 400V, description stainless steel
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 5000 mm; total dimensions (g) 100 mm= description= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm; total dimensions (g) 300 mm= description= including the stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;

1 Liquid level control system
HEUFT,BASIC ,year of manufacture 2006, serial number 2TG022851 total dimensions (L)510mm; total dimensions (D) 350mm total dimensions (850)mm description capacity 72000b/h 6 bar
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm. total dimensions (P)= 500 mm. description. Adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006,= total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 100 mm= description= adjustable foot= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Low pressure regulation structure=
IECI, year of manufacture 2006
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 automatic wrapping / shrink oven
DIMAC, STAR 60 T, year of manufacture 2006, serial number 1658, brand= DIMAC; type= STAR 60 T; year= 2006; serial number= 1658; power= 114 kW; electrical connection= 400 V; total dimensions (L)= 11000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 2000 mm; total dimensions (A)= 1850 mm; description= Incoming pallet; power unit; de-bridge unit; separator unit; winding unit; cardboard module feeding unit; tray forming unit; shrink tunnel unit For packing PET bottles;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 100 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 bottle cooling tunnel
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006. serial number 91200099.
electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L). 12850mm. total dimensions (D)= 5515 mm= total dimensions (A). 1800mm. description. Bottles/h format 0.5 I n. 30,000; format 1 I no. 19.250/h format 0.5 I n. 12 500= no. 5 circulation pumps= stainless steel;
1 Additive dosing station
SOLENIS. year of manufacture ion 2006, serial number 11236671 ;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006 total dimensions (L) = 4000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 350 mm. description. PVC tape. including stainless steel construction with mounted electrical cables.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L). 12000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 1400 mm= description= PVC tape; including the stainless steel structure with mounted electrical cables=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape. including stainless steel construction with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 4000mm total dimensions (D)= 350 mm= description PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
brand SBC, and 2006, brand= SBC; year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 7500 with an unsuitable bottle unloading system = including the stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;
1 Bottle alignment reading system
SIMATIC year of manufacture 2006 = description= digital panel=
1 air dryer tunnel
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 3000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 1000 mm= total dimensions (A)= 2500 mm= description= stainless steel=
1 labeller
PE Labeller, Rollmatic S. year of manufacture 2006. serial number 9912100174. brand= PE electrical connection= 380 V; own weight= 4500 kg= total dimensions (L)= 3500 mm, total dimensions (D) 3000 mm= total dimensions (H)= 2500 mm= description= stainless steel.
1 Cutting machine
CLEVER. GS 412 year of manufacture 2008. serial number 001 0, make= electrical connection. 400V description = including 2 label feeders , stainless steel , CE mark capacity 18000p/h , touch screen control
1 Inkjet marker
brand= inkdustry= type= code cube=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L). 6000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 300 mm, description. adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006 total dimensions (L) 10000mm; total dimensions (D)= 300 mm adjustable feet description= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L). 6000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 300 mm, description. adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006 total dimensions (L) 9000 mm; total dimensions (D)= 300 mm adjustable feet description= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 automatic handle applicator machine
TWINPACK. MD extension. year of manufacture 2006, serial number 061551058; power= 4 kW; electrical connection. 380 V. total dimensions (L). 2500 mm= total dimensions (P). 800mm. total dimensions (A). 1850mm; description= stainless steel, CE Mark;
1 labeller
Brand ETIPACX, type AP Euro, year of manufacture 2006 electrical connection= 400 V. own weight= 98 kg= total dimensions (L)= 1350 mm= total dimensions (D)= 1500 mm= total dimensions (A)= 1950 mm= description Maximum label size 15Ox250 mm.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 300 mm, description. adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm; total dimensions (P). 300 mm= description adjustable feet= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L) 6000 mm; total dimensions (P). 300 mm= description= adjustable feet. including stainless steel construction with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm; total dimensions (P). 300mm. description= adjustable feet. including the stainless steel structure with mounted electrical cables=
1 Air conveyor control cabinet
description. stainless steel=

Line of air conveyor belts for PET bottles
1 Conveyor control cabinet
line of motorized conveyor belts with control cabinet 1 Conveyor

belt (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L). 6000mm; total dimensions (P)= 300 mm. description. With adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with fitted electrical cables.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 2000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 300 mm= description= Insulating tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, = total dimensions (L)= 1000 mm= total dimensions (W) 300 mm= description= intralox tape. Stainless steel construction included with mounted electrical cables
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L). 500mm; total dimensions (P)= 400 mm.
description. Insulating tape=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC. year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 2500
mm= total dimensions (P)= 2100 mm; total dimensions (A). 1200 mm= description= Filing tapes;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L). 5000mm; total dimensions (P)= 2100 mm; total dimensions (A)= 1200 mm= description= Filing tapes.
1 Palletizer
FANUC LTD.. M-410iB /450, year of manufacture 2006, serial number AOSB 2464 B200 electrical connection. 380 V. description= With control pad; support for moving pallets of PET bottles= with intralox tape= With supporting structure and pallet pushing system. loader capacity 450 kg= working range 3143 mm; 4 Aces=
1 PET Bottle Divider Conveyor Belt
Brand SB year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm; total dimensions (P). 1250 mm= total dimensions (A)= 1800 mm= description. Motorized=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC. brand= SBC; total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 400 mm= description. PVC strap=
1 automatic stacker
MAGNONI 06104/SV02, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L) 3240 mm= total dimensions (D)= 1890 mm total dimensions (H) 2480 mm= description. With metal safety net=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
total dimensions (L) 20000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 1200 mm; description= Line of
motorized roller conveyor palletizing =
1 Stretch film wrapper for pallets
PIERI, AVR 400 TS, year of manufacture 2006 serial number 127A/06, electrical connection= 400 V= own weight= 2600 kg= total dimensions (L)= 3070 mm; total dimensions (D)= 3040 mm= total dimensions (A)= 4908 mm= description. Including electrical panel = Metal safety net with photocells. 17 kW. Cat 3. reel diameter 260 mm= CE mark=
1 Labeling machine for pallets
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006,
1 automatic pallet wrapper with conveyors
PIERI, AVR 210/PR, year of manufacture 2006, serial number 128A/06. electrical connection= 380 V description= With control pulpit= metallic safety net= photocells
1 Palletizer FANUC LTD. R- 2000iA/165F, year of manufacture 2006, serial number AOSB 2453 B250= electrical connection 380 V= total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm= total dimensions (H)= 3000 mm= description= With control pad= Suction cup unit with cardboard flap; operating range 2655 mm; load capacity 165 Kg= 6 axles=
1 Cardboard stacker
SBC, brand= SBC;
1 forming machine
COLD WORKSHOP. FO-AH4/12 year of manufacture 2006. serial/serial number
EC2O0607;= electrical connection 400 V; own weight. 2100 kg= total dimensions (L)= 3200 mm= total dimensions (W). 1850mm; total dimensions (A). 2000 mm= description With stacker trays and tape outlet. format 808x603/ 778x6O5= Nordson gluing unit= CE mark=

Complete palletizing line
palletizing line with conveyor belts= dividing belts; 2 robots, automatic stacker; transport= 2 automatic pallet wrappers labeling machine= metal safety packaging forming machine with photocells
1 Storage tank (food industry)
ADUE MIL 200 XS, year of manufacture 2006, serial/serial number mil 06151 = vertical= yes= content= 20000 I= description Stainless steel mixing tank capacity 20 m3
1 Storage tank (food industry)
ADUE, MIL, year of manufacture 2006 serial/serial number 06150= vertical= content= 20000 I description= Stainless steel mixing tank capacity 20 m3=
1 Storage tank (food industry)
ADUE. year of manufacture 2006. brand= ADUE; year. 2006. vertical. yes= content. 20000 I. description= stainless steel mixing tanks capacity= without pump and valves=
2 Filter
description 2 stainless steel filters on skid with valve
1 Machine a for manual introduction of ingredients
SCANIMA, mixer SFM 200, year of manufacture 2006 serial number 1015006 description stainless steel
1 Pump
ALFA LAVAL, SPU571, year of manufacture 2006, serial number= 118161.
1 Pump
description= stainless steel;
1 Valve group for juice preparation line
brand. BULEUR = stainless steel= total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm= total dimensions [P). 2500mm. description. With flow meters,
1 Electrical control panel
ADUE. year of manufacture 2006, make= ADUE; description= Juice preparation line=
1 Pasteurization equipment
ADUE. PAT 06002. year of manufacture 2006; electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L). 7500mm. total dimensions (P)= 2000 mm; total dimensions (A). 3000mm; description= CE mark
1 Deaerator dissolver pasteurization plant
ADUE. year of manufacture 2006, make= ADUE; year= 2006= total dimensions (L). 6500 mm= total dimensions (D)= 2200 mm= total dimensions (A)= 4000 mm= description. With pumps= valves= and storage tank on skid=
1 Electrical control panel
ADUE. 180 XS, year of manufacture 2006, description= Pasteurization and deaeration group=
1 homogenizer
TETRA PACKS. Tetra Alex 30 / Tetra Pal year of manufacture 2006 description= with stainless steel electrical panel= total dimensions (L)= 2200 mm= total dimensions (D)= 2670 mm= total dimensions (A)= 1050 mm= electrical connection= 380 V,

Preparation line - pasteurization - sterilization - homogenization of drinks and juices
1 Air Compressor
Brand SIAD Tempo 2 1 850, year of manufacture 2006 serial number K11206/10B capacity 42 bar= power= 335 kW electrical connection= 380 V; total dimensions (L). 4500mm; description= atmospheric 1850 m3/h 750 rpm CE mark;
1 Air Compressor
Brand SIAD Tempo 2 1850. year of manufacture 2006, serial number K1120610/A capacity= 42 bar; power= 335 kW= electrical connection. 380 V= total dimensions (L)= 4500 mm; description= atmospheric; 1850 m3 /h 750 rpm CE mark

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SIPA nutzte eine PET-Linie
- Used1 Automatic preform unloader
brand SIPA, year of manufacture 2006, serial number 3000125802CT0176, total dimensions (L)= 1600 mm. total dimensions (P)= 1500 mm. total dimensions (A)= 2400 mm.
1 Hopper elevator for preform feeding
SIPA brand, year of manufacture 2005, electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L). 4000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 4000 mm; total dimensions (A). 3100 mm= description= With introductory belts to the blow molding machine=
1 PET bottle blower
SIPA, SFR16 HF, year of manufacture 2006 serial number 1328 power= 401 kW= electrical connection. 400 V= total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 4000 mm= total dimensions (A). 3500 mm= description= 16 bottle moulds. preforms overturning= capacity 19.200 bottles/h with 1000 ml size, electric mold heating= step speed adjustment= mold set= n.2 SIAD brand electro blow booster 40 Bar compressors= with evaporative cooling tower;
PET bottle blowing line
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
SBC brand, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L)= 10000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 200 mm. description. With 1 push ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation group
1 Air conveying system for PET bottles
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L). 10000 mm= total dimensions (P). 200mm; description= With a push= ventilation unit
1 Hot filler / rinser / capper
SYMPACK extension. MAGIC HF SO/60/10. year of manufacture 2006, serial number 2708. brand= serial number= 2708= capacity= 16000 I/hr= electrical connection= 400 V, total dimensions (L)= 6200 mm total dimensions (D)= 4700 mm, total dimensions (TO). 3800 mm= description= Hot filling monoblock. with rinsing and capping station; 50 valves= flow rate 16000 I/h= variable filling= format 1 I/ 1.5 I= including washing CIP= switching equipment= feed tank= CE mark;
1 corker
Brand AROL .type EURO PK year of manufacture 2006; screw caps= electrical connection= 380 V; total dimensions (L). 1250 mm= total dimensions (P)= 2200 mm= total dimensions (A). 4000 mm= description= Hopper elevator for caps
1 automatic cap filling inspection
FM Engineering, LDR1201, year of manufacture 2012. serial number 001, serial number= electrical connection= 230 V

Filling/rinsing/hot capping line
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm;
total dimensions (D)= 400 mm, description= For the waste of unsuitable bottles= including the stainless steel structure with fitted electric cables.
1 Inkjet marker
brand. ink industry. type= code cube
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC.year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 5000 mm; total dimensions (g) 100 mm= description= PVC tape= including stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 22000 mm; total dimensions (D) 700 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm; total dimensions (g) 100 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;
1 Steam jet heat shrink tunnel
CLEVER STJ 3 year of manufacture 2008 serial/serial number 0038 electrical connection 400V, description stainless steel
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 5000 mm; total dimensions (g) 100 mm= description= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm; total dimensions (g) 300 mm= description= including the stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;

1 Liquid level control system
HEUFT,BASIC ,year of manufacture 2006, serial number 2TG022851 total dimensions (L)510mm; total dimensions (D) 350mm total dimensions (850)mm description capacity 72000b/h 6 bar
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm. total dimensions (P)= 500 mm. description. Adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006,= total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 100 mm= description= adjustable foot= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Low pressure regulation structure=
IECI, year of manufacture 2006
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 automatic wrapping / shrink oven
DIMAC, STAR 60 T, year of manufacture 2006, serial number 1658, brand= DIMAC; type= STAR 60 T; year= 2006; serial number= 1658; power= 114 kW; electrical connection= 400 V; total dimensions (L)= 11000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 2000 mm; total dimensions (A)= 1850 mm; description= Incoming pallet; power unit; de-bridge unit; separator unit; winding unit; cardboard module feeding unit; tray forming unit; shrink tunnel unit For packing PET bottles;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 100 mm= description= PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 bottle cooling tunnel
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006. serial number 91200099.
electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L). 12850mm. total dimensions (D)= 5515 mm= total dimensions (A). 1800mm. description. Bottles/h format 0.5 I n. 30,000; format 1 I no. 19.250/h format 0.5 I n. 12 500= no. 5 circulation pumps= stainless steel;
1 Additive dosing station
SOLENIS. year of manufacture ion 2006, serial number 11236671 ;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006 total dimensions (L) = 4000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 350 mm. description. PVC tape. including stainless steel construction with mounted electrical cables.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L). 12000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 1400 mm= description= PVC tape; including the stainless steel structure with mounted electrical cables=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 350 mm= description= PVC tape. including stainless steel construction with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 4000mm total dimensions (D)= 350 mm= description PVC tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
brand SBC, and 2006, brand= SBC; year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 7500 with an unsuitable bottle unloading system = including the stainless steel structure with electrical cables fitted;
1 Bottle alignment reading system
SIMATIC year of manufacture 2006 = description= digital panel=
1 air dryer tunnel
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 3000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 1000 mm= total dimensions (A)= 2500 mm= description= stainless steel=
1 labeller
PE Labeller, Rollmatic S. year of manufacture 2006. serial number 9912100174. brand= PE electrical connection= 380 V; own weight= 4500 kg= total dimensions (L)= 3500 mm, total dimensions (D) 3000 mm= total dimensions (H)= 2500 mm= description= stainless steel.
1 Cutting machine
CLEVER. GS 412 year of manufacture 2008. serial number 001 0, make= electrical connection. 400V description = including 2 label feeders , stainless steel , CE mark capacity 18000p/h , touch screen control
1 Inkjet marker
brand= inkdustry= type= code cube=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L). 6000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 300 mm, description. adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006 total dimensions (L) 10000mm; total dimensions (D)= 300 mm adjustable feet description= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L). 6000 mm= total dimensions (P)= 300 mm, description. adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006 total dimensions (L) 9000 mm; total dimensions (D)= 300 mm adjustable feet description= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 automatic handle applicator machine
TWINPACK. MD extension. year of manufacture 2006, serial number 061551058; power= 4 kW; electrical connection. 380 V. total dimensions (L). 2500 mm= total dimensions (P). 800mm. total dimensions (A). 1850mm; description= stainless steel, CE Mark;
1 labeller
Brand ETIPACX, type AP Euro, year of manufacture 2006 electrical connection= 400 V. own weight= 98 kg= total dimensions (L)= 1350 mm= total dimensions (D)= 1500 mm= total dimensions (A)= 1950 mm= description Maximum label size 15Ox250 mm.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, brand= total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 300 mm, description. adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm; total dimensions (P). 300 mm= description adjustable feet= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L) 6000 mm; total dimensions (P). 300 mm= description= adjustable feet. including stainless steel construction with mounted electrical cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 9000 mm; total dimensions (P). 300mm. description= adjustable feet. including the stainless steel structure with mounted electrical cables=
1 Air conveyor control cabinet
description. stainless steel=

Line of air conveyor belts for PET bottles
1 Conveyor control cabinet
line of motorized conveyor belts with control cabinet 1 Conveyor

belt (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L). 6000mm; total dimensions (P)= 300 mm. description. With adjustable feet= including stainless steel frame with fitted electrical cables.
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, total dimensions (L)= 2000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 300 mm= description= Insulating tape= including the stainless steel structure with mounted electric cables;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006, = total dimensions (L)= 1000 mm= total dimensions (W) 300 mm= description= intralox tape. Stainless steel construction included with mounted electrical cables
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC brand. year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L). 500mm; total dimensions (P)= 400 mm.
description. Insulating tape=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC. year of manufacture 2006, brand= SBC= year= 2006= total dimensions (L)= 2500
mm= total dimensions (P)= 2100 mm; total dimensions (A). 1200 mm= description= Filing tapes;
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
Brand SBC year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L). 5000mm; total dimensions (P)= 2100 mm; total dimensions (A)= 1200 mm= description= Filing tapes.
1 Palletizer
FANUC LTD.. M-410iB /450, year of manufacture 2006, serial number AOSB 2464 B200 electrical connection. 380 V. description= With control pad; support for moving pallets of PET bottles= with intralox tape= With supporting structure and pallet pushing system. loader capacity 450 kg= working range 3143 mm; 4 Aces=
1 PET Bottle Divider Conveyor Belt
Brand SB year of manufacture 2006= total dimensions (L)= 7000 mm; total dimensions (P). 1250 mm= total dimensions (A)= 1800 mm= description. Motorized=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
SBC. brand= SBC; total dimensions (L)= 6000 mm= total dimensions (W)= 400 mm= description. PVC strap=
1 automatic stacker
MAGNONI 06104/SV02, year of manufacture 2006, electrical connection 380 V; total dimensions (L) 3240 mm= total dimensions (D)= 1890 mm total dimensions (H) 2480 mm= description. With metal safety net=
1 Belt conveyor (food industry)
total dimensions (L) 20000 mm; total dimensions (P)= 1200 mm; description= Line of
motorized roller conveyor palletizing =
1 Stretch film wrapper for pallets
PIERI, AVR 400 TS, year of manufacture 2006 serial number 127A/06, electrical connection= 400 V= own weight= 2600 kg= total dimensions (L)= 3070 mm; total dimensions (D)= 3040 mm= total dimensions (A)= 4908 mm= description. Including electrical panel = Metal safety net with photocells. 17 kW. Cat 3. reel diameter 260 mm= CE mark=
1 Labeling machine for pallets
Brand SBC, year of manufacture 2006,
1 automatic pallet wrapper with conveyors
PIERI, AVR 210/PR, year of manufacture 2006, serial number 128A/06. electrical connection= 380 V description= With control pulpit= metallic safety net= photocells
1 Palletizer FANUC LTD. R- 2000iA/165F, year of manufacture 2006, serial number AOSB 2453 B250= electrical connection 380 V= total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm= total dimensions (H)= 3000 mm= description= With control pad= Suction cup unit with cardboard flap; operating range 2655 mm; load capacity 165 Kg= 6 axles=
1 Cardboard stacker
SBC, brand= SBC;
1 forming machine
COLD WORKSHOP. FO-AH4/12 year of manufacture 2006. serial/serial number
EC2O0607;= electrical connection 400 V; own weight. 2100 kg= total dimensions (L)= 3200 mm= total dimensions (W). 1850mm; total dimensions (A). 2000 mm= description With stacker trays and tape outlet. format 808x603/ 778x6O5= Nordson gluing unit= CE mark=

Complete palletizing line
palletizing line with conveyor belts= dividing belts; 2 robots, automatic stacker; transport= 2 automatic pallet wrappers labeling machine= metal safety packaging forming machine with photocells
1 Storage tank (food industry)
ADUE MIL 200 XS, year of manufacture 2006, serial/serial number mil 06151 = vertical= yes= content= 20000 I= description Stainless steel mixing tank capacity 20 m3
1 Storage tank (food industry)
ADUE, MIL, year of manufacture 2006 serial/serial number 06150= vertical= content= 20000 I description= Stainless steel mixing tank capacity 20 m3=
1 Storage tank (food industry)
ADUE. year of manufacture 2006. brand= ADUE; year. 2006. vertical. yes= content. 20000 I. description= stainless steel mixing tanks capacity= without pump and valves=
2 Filter
description 2 stainless steel filters on skid with valve
1 Machine a for manual introduction of ingredients
SCANIMA, mixer SFM 200, year of manufacture 2006 serial number 1015006 description stainless steel
1 Pump
ALFA LAVAL, SPU571, year of manufacture 2006, serial number= 118161.
1 Pump
description= stainless steel;
1 Valve group for juice preparation line
brand. BULEUR = stainless steel= total dimensions (L)= 2500 mm= total dimensions [P). 2500mm. description. With flow meters,
1 Electrical control panel
ADUE. year of manufacture 2006, make= ADUE; description= Juice preparation line=
1 Pasteurization equipment
ADUE. PAT 06002. year of manufacture 2006; electrical connection= 380 V= total dimensions (L). 7500mm. total dimensions (P)= 2000 mm; total dimensions (A). 3000mm; description= CE mark
1 Deaerator dissolver pasteurization plant
ADUE. year of manufacture 2006, make= ADUE; year= 2006= total dimensions (L). 6500 mm= total dimensions (D)= 2200 mm= total dimensions (A)= 4000 mm= description. With pumps= valves= and storage tank on skid=
1 Electrical control panel
ADUE. 180 XS, year of manufacture 2006, description= Pasteurization and deaeration group=
1 homogenizer
TETRA PACKS. Tetra Alex 30 / Tetra Pal year of manufacture 2006 description= with stainless steel electrical panel= total dimensions (L)= 2200 mm= total dimensions (D)= 2670 mm= total dimensions (A)= 1050 mm= electrical connection= 380 V,

Preparation line - pasteurization - sterilization - homogenization of drinks and juices
1 Air Compressor
Brand SIAD Tempo 2 1 850, year of manufacture 2006 serial number K11206/10B capacity 42 bar= power= 335 kW electrical connection= 380 V; total dimensions (L). 4500mm; description= atmospheric 1850 m3/h 750 rpm CE mark;
1 Air Compressor
Brand SIAD Tempo 2 1850. year of manufacture 2006, serial number K1120610/A capacity= 42 bar; power= 335 kW= electrical connection. 380 V= total dimensions (L)= 4500 mm; description= atmospheric; 1850 m3 /h 750 rpm CE mark

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