Materials: Rigid Opaque: VeroPureWhite™, VeroWhitePlus™, VeroBlackPlus™, VeroGray™, VeroBlue™, VeroCyan™, VeroMagenta™, VeroYellow™ Rubber-like: Agilus30™, TangoPlus™, TangoBlackPlus™, TangoBlack™, TangoGray™ Transparent: VeroClear™ and RGD720 Simulated Polypropylene: Rigur™ and Durus™ High Temperature Bio-compatible.
Digital Materials: Digital ABS Plus™ and Digital ABS2 Plus™ in ivory and green Hundreds of vibrant, repeatable colors in opaque and translucent Rubber-like blends in a range of Shore A values and color Simulated polypropylene materials with improved heat resistance
Opcoes De Materiais: Mais de 1000
Maximo Materiais Por Parte: 82
Dimensoes Maximas De Producao: 342 x 342 x 200 mm
Dimensoes Da Maquina: 1400 x 1260 x 1100 mm
Peso Da Maquina: 430kg
Resolucao: X-axis: 600 dpi; Y-axis: 600 dpi; Z-axis: 1600 dpi
Modos De Construcao: Digital Material: 30-micron (.001 in.) resolution High Quality: 16-micron (.0006 in.) resolution High Speed: 30-micron (.001 in.) resolution
Software: Objet Studio intuitive 3D printing software
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