Referências legais da Exapro

The Exapro websites are edited by: Exapro

"Société par actions simplifiée" (simplified joint-stock company) with a capital of 96 000,00 euros

"Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés" (Trade and Companies Register): B 451 557 490 Angers, in France

VAT intra EU number : FR67 451 557 490

Head office: 4 Place Marc Leclerc, 49 400 Saumur, France

Corporation Manager: Gilles ROBERT

Publication Director: Thomas BORDIER

Telephone: +33 (0)9 70 40 57 61

Website and database hosting


101 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10013 USA

+1 347-903-7918

Personal data and privacy policy

According to the French law 78-17 "Informatique, fichiers et libertés" from the 6th of January 1978 and modified in 2004, EXAPRO declares the collection and treatment of data regarding the visitors to the site to the C.N.I.L. ("Commission Nationale Informatique et Liberté").

All data you have provided to EXAPRO during a visit on one of its websites or applications are stricly confidential.

This data is necessary to the objective of treatment as declared to the C.N.I.L. for the sale and purchase of second-hand equipment.

According to the same French law 78-17 "Informatique, fichiers et libertés", you have the right to access, rectify or delete information which refers to your name. If you wish to rectify or delete certain data, please contact us (specifying your email, name, surname and address) :

  • by email at modification[at] ;
  • by mail at the Head office address as above.

Vantagens de ser membro Exapro

  • Adicione suas máquinas à venda gratuitamente
  • Gerencie suas ofertas (adicione, edite e exclua)
  • Ajuste suas preferências de boletim informativo
  • Informe-se sobre máquinas sem precisar preencher seus dados de contato
  • Peça a um agente Exapro para ajudá-lo a vender suas máquinas
  • Obtenha o melhor da conta do cliente Exapro

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