Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX

Manufacturer Heidelberg
Model CD 102-5 LX
Category Offsets 5 colours

Here is a selection of similar machines

Max. paper length 102 cm
Max. paper width 72 cm
Nbr of copies 104 Mio
Perfecting No
Dryer IR
Coating unit Yes
Chromed cylinders Yes
Length x width x height 10730.0 × 3310.0 × 2170.0
Weight 38280 kg

Here is a selection of similar machines

Similar machines sold on our website

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1992

HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 LX Year: 1992 Max.Size: 102 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch) Extended delivery Alcolor damping CPC 103 CPTronic IR Dryer/ Powder Spray High Pile Delivery In production Available immediately

Price on request

BG Bulgaria

Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2005

Size 72 x 102 cm, CP 2000, Autoplate, Preset Plus Feeder, Rear edge blowers, Preset Plus Delivery, Alcolor dampening, Ink Temp control, Tecnotrans cooling and recirculation device, All washers, Heidelberg IR dryer, Weko High

Price on request

NL Netherlands


Year: 2001

CP2000 alcolor Vario autoplate preset ink temperature control Technotrans combiStar WashStar CleanStar DryStar fully cleaned & painted

Price on request

IT Italy

Offset cinco colores HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 LX de ocasion
Offset cinco colores HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 LX de ocasion Sold

Year: 1998

Approx: 110 Mill Imp. Autoplate CPC 1.04 encras y controle a distancias Jobcard CP-Tronic autodiagnostico, y controle Alcolor Secador IR Version II Autoregister System Bacher Preset Limpiador automatico Baldwin Variosystem Powder Sprayer BETATRONIC 100 Non-Stop Exelentes condicionnes, ningun problema ni en cilindro ni en engrenajes. disponible ahora

Price on request

ES Spain

Used offset 5 colours HEIDELBERG CD 102-5
Used offset 5 colours HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Sold

Year: 2000

CP2000 - touch screen alcolor autoplate preset all automatic washer eltex ionizer on feeder eltex antistatic tecnotrans refrigerator + alcosmart combistar venturi air transfer system grafix exatronic plus powder spray + cleanstar airstar air cabine scrollstar compressor

Price on request

IT Italy


Year: 2000

CP 2000 200 Mill Imp Autoplate Preset feeder and delivery Combined temperature control Automatic washing device batteries, rubber and impression cylinder Variosystem Betatronic 100 Eltex ionizing Drystar IR Non stop Feeder and delivery Punching / Bending CPC 31 plate reader Cooling system for water closets compressors, battery and IR tempering Machine in production in Spain – available immediately Free damages in cylinder or gears. In april 2009 this machine has had a repair about 200.000 EUR

Price on request

ES Spain


Year: 1997

Age. 1997 85 Mill Imp CPC 1.04 Autoplate Ink Roller Washing Device Grafix BetaTronic 100 Non Stop Delivery Non Stop Temperature Control Roller

Price on request

ES Spain

Gebrauchtes HEIDELBERG Speedmaster CD 102-5 Gebrauchtes
Gebrauchtes HEIDELBERG Speedmaster CD 102-5 Gebrauchtes Sold

Year: 2000

# CP 2000 # Farbwerkstemperierung # Alcolor Vario Filmfeuchtwerk # Zentralluftversorgung in Schrankform, l # Puderabsaugung # Puder Apparat Grafix # Automatische Farbzuf # CPC 4 Register-Kontrolle # Druckzylinder Wascheinrichtung # verchromte Zylinder # Farbwalzenwasch-Einrichtung vom Pult au s gesteuert # Gummituch Wascheinrichtung # Technotrans K # Preset # ELTEX Antistatik mit St # elektronische Doppelbogenkontrolle # elektronische Seitenmarkenkontrolle # Registerfernverstellung

Price on request

DE Germany

Gebrauchtes HEIDELBERG Speedmaster CD 102-5 Gebrauchtes
Gebrauchtes HEIDELBERG Speedmaster CD 102-5 Gebrauchtes Sold

Year: 2003

# Alcolor automatisches Filmfeuchtwerk # Autoplate: halb-automatischer Plattenwechsel # Farbwerkstemperierung # CP 2000 # Preset # Technotrans K # Gummituch Wascheinrichtung # Druckzylinder Wascheinrichtung

Price on request

DE Germany

Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-3 LX UV Offset 3 colours
Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-3 LX UV Offset 3 colours Sold

Year: 1996

CPC 1.04 ZSP CP Tronic Technotrans All washers Semi automatic plate change Manual non stop on feeder and delivery Graphix powder (not in working condition) Machine rised 30 cm Extended delivery 2 x IST intermediary dryer IST final dryer

Price on request

FR France

Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2001

Air cooled machine <> Air compressor cabinet <> Infra red dryer <> system <> CP 2000 Control Center < <> <>

Price on request

GB United Kingdom

Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2003

CP 2000,Suction table, PRESET, Double sheet control, ALCOLOR, Technotrans Refrigeration,AUTOPLATE, All whasers, IR Dryer, Power Spray Grafix

Price on request

ES Spain

HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours
HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2002

Preset Link Pre-stacker device in in-feeder rear edge blowers Pull lay control High Pile Preset Stream feeder exhaust hood, air supply cabinet HD register CP 2000 Control Center Autoplate (semi-automatic plate loader° TECHNOTRANS combi refrigeration and ink temp control Preset on feeder Non-stop delivery CleanStar powder sucker WASHSTAR Tandem wash for rollers/blanket and impression cyl ynder Drystar 2000 Combination IR Dryer GRAFIX Exactronic powder sprayer Complete and in working condition

Price on request

DE Germany

HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 L Offset five colours
HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 L Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1998


Price on request

BA Bosnia and Herzegovina

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1997

Size 72 x 102 cm, Elevated machine, CPC 1-04, Cptronic, Alcolor Vario dampening, Technotrans cooling and recirculation device, All washing devices, Intercom, Double extended delivery, Preset stream feeder, Autoplate, Heidelberg IR dryer, Grafix Exatraonic Plus powderspray, Non stop delivery, Eltex antistatic device, Coating unit

Price on request

NL Netherlands

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1999

Max.Size:102 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch) Current State:In production Colors:5 Impress.Count:264 mio Alcolor BALDWIN recirculation and refrigeration 264 mln CP 2000 with TouchScreen Preset Auto Washes Paper Shells thin papers IR Drier Quick Action Clamps Non-Stop on feeder and delivery

Price on request

RU Russia

Used Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours
Used Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2002

Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Year 2002 Size: 72 x 102 cm Equipped with: 5 colour straight Coating unit CP2000 AutoPlate Alcolor CombiStar Ink unit temperature control DryStar 2000 IR-dryer Preset Ink unit wash-up device Anti-static Eltex Electr. double-sheet control Powder Grafix Exatronic Duo Plus

Price on request

BG Bulgaria

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1995

CPC 1.04 Alcolor dampening Technotrans refrigeration Autoplate Preset Blanket, inking unit and printing cylinders automatic washing device Chromed plate cylinders Weko powder spray Books and tools

Price on request

IT Italy

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2006

CP2000 - Digital machine control and diagnosis Alcolor continuous dampening Technotrans refrigeration Autoplate (semi automatic plate loader) Preset feeder (autom. paper size setting) Programmable roller/blank/imp cylinder wash via CP2000 Remote register: lateral, vertical & diagonal Steel-plate in feeder Steel-plate in delivery Pull lay control ZMK Neutralizer bar in the feeder Sheet decurler Double sheet detection - electronic Sidelay control - electronic Weko AP262 powder spray Books, Tools, CE certificate Optionals inclusi: CombiStar AirStar PresetLink Preset Plus Feeder Preset Plus Delivery

Price on request

IT Italy

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2001

Impressions 49 Description Size 72 x 102 cm, CP 2000, Auto register, Alcolor Vario dampening, Technotrans cooling and recirculation unit, Program controlled wash up device, Heidelberg Autoplate, Preset stream feeder, Intercom, Pull lay control, Electronic double sheet control, Rear edge blowers in feeder, Heidelberg Cleanstar, Exatronic Plus powderspray.Extended delivery

Price on request

NL Netherlands

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2005

102 x 72 UV Machine 117 Mio CP 2000 Autoplate Auto Washers Preset Plus Feeder Preset Delivery Alcolor dampening with Vario system Technotrans Recirculation Steel Plate in feeder Grafix Betatronic 100 Eltex Antistatic Chromed Blanket Cylinders Air Transfer System Ink Temperature Control water Coating Unit Chambered Doctor Blade Ultrasonic double sheet control IR Dryer Dry Star 2000 Airstar watercooled Hot Air delivery IST UV Dryer in delivery 3 lamps UV Drying prepared in all units - 2 moveable cassettes

Price on request

TR Turkey

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LYYLX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LYYLX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2006

Format: 72x102 cm, 28x40 " Number of pages: 142 mio Construction year: 2006 Location : EU Standard equipment: Prinect CP 2000 Autoplate: Plate change semi-automatic Alcolor Vario dampening systems Cooling: Technotrans beta Preset PLUS all cylinders chrome-plated autom. Washing machine: Color, rubber, counter-pressure cylinder AirStar Central air supply DryStar Dryer: IR, according to 5th printing unit IR, after 1st varnish 2x in Y. IR + hotlft UV: 3x in counter counter-intercom Mounting condition: In production / in production State: Excellent

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2006

Format: 72x102 cm Number of copies: 140 My Construction year: 2006 Standard equipment: Autoplate: plate change semiautomatic Axis control Alcolor Vario dampening inker cooling Preset An.- and boom CIP 3 suction belt table Cooling: Technotrans beta powder spray: Weko Atlas Coop compressor compressor cabinet sound-proofed Auto. Wash: color, Gummi.-, impression cylinder Montagezustand : in Produktion / in production State: 1 very good / very good

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1995

Format: 72x102 cm, 28x40 " Number of pages: 315 mio Construction year: 1995 Standard equipment: Autoplate: plate change semiautomatic CPC 1-04 CP Tronic Preset An.- and cantilever steel plate: feeder and delivery powder spray: Grafix Exactomat Alcolor dampening Cooling: Baldwin coater extended delivery IR dryer compressor cabinet sound-proofed chrome plate and Gegendruckzylind Non Stop in the presence and Boom Seitenmarken: electronic Ionisation system: Eltex Ionbläser Gegensprechanlage Mounting condition: In production / in production State: Good / good

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2000

Post Drupa Model - Silver Guards - CP 2000 with Preset Link - AUTOPLATE - PRESET – Grafix Infra-Red Dryer - ALCOLOR dampening with Vario - Technotrans Central Refrigeration INK Temperature Control - ALL Automatic washers (blanket, rollers and impression cylinders) - Steel Plate in feeder and delivery - chromed plate and impression cylinders Weko T77C powder spray - AIR TRANSFER SYSTEM - Eltex antistatic device - Air Central Cabinet - INKLINE Machine in excellent condition

Price on request

FR France

Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1999

5 + Lak Automatic washes Format : 102 x 72 Semi-automatic plate change IR Dryer Machine is in good condition

Price on request

TR Turkey

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2000

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Age: Year 2000 Max.Size: 102 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch) Current State: Dismantled Colors: 5 Impressions count: 125 mio Extras: Autoplate, Digital Controls, Touch-screen Control, Autosize, Dryer, CIP

Price on request

BG Bulgaria

1998 Heidelberg CD 102-5
1998 Heidelberg CD 102-5 Sold

Year: 1998

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Five colour automated 102 Carton Diameter (CD) offset press 199 million impressions. Can be seen running in production to mid Nov 18. Available Dec 18. Easy access with room for containers. In Australia POA

Price on request

AU Australia

Heidelberg CX 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CX 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2012

Heidelberg CX 102-5 LX (2012) Age: 2012 Max.Size: 102 x 72 cm (40 x 28 inch) Colors: 5 Impress.Count: 68 mio Extras: Autoplate - Digital Controls - Touch-screen Control - Coater - Dryer Description: Heidelberg CX 102-5 LX, Year 2012, 5 colours coating tower, Format: 72 x 102 cm, Circa 68 million impressions, Alcolor dampening, PRINECT CP 2000, InPress Control, Autoplate Pro, Preset plus feeder and delivery, All automatic washers, Coating unit with Tresu system, Extended delivery, IR dryer Drystar …

Price on request

IE Ireland

Used Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Used Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2001

Air cooled machine Air compressor cabinet ALCOLOR VARIO CP 2000 Control Center GRAFIX противоотмарывающий аппарат

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 offset five colours Sold

Year: 2001

Machine totally checked, cleaned and repainted - manual from us - new rollers, new washer and full optionals: CombiStar, AirStar, ScrollStar, DryStar, ecc Machine equipped with CP2000: press operativity control console with a colour touch screen monitor. Some of the main functions are: programming of work, circumferential, axial and diagonal registers; ink ducts rotation speed; self-analysis; faults signalling system and inkpots sectors opening remote control. Enables to store up to 250 works. Alcolor: dampening system with automatic pre and post …

Price on request

IT Italy

Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 L Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1993

Age:Year 1993 Max.Size:40 x 28 inch (101 x 71 cm) Current State:In production Colors:5 Impress.Count:198 mio Extras:Autoplate, Digital Controls, Coater, Autosize, Dryer HEIDELBERG SM CD 102 F L Serial Number: 535xxx Year: 1993 198 Million Impression Size: 28x40 Inch 5 Color Press With Coater Cp-Tronic Alcolor Cpc 1-02 IR Dryer Grafix 3/6 For Coater Heidelberg Preset Electronic Side Lay Control Roller Washing Device Program Ink Unit Temperating Autoplate Heidelberg Powderspray Weko T 77 Cs Antistatic Eltex With Bar In Feeder …

Price on request

IN India

Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2008

Autoplate, Alcolor Dampening, Technotrans Refrigeration, CP2000, Axis Control, Rollers, Blankets and Impression Cylinders Washers, CIP3, Grafix Powder Spray

Price on request

LU Luxembourg

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2004

Format: 72x102 cm, 28x40 " Number of pages: 175 mio Construction year: 2004 Location : EU Standard equipment: Autoplate: Plate change semi-automatic CP 2000 Diagonal register Suction table Preset PLUS Alcolor Vario dampening system Cooling: Technotrans CombiStar DryStar autom. Washing device: paint, rubber, counter-pressure cylinder powder sprayer: Heidelberg DuoPlus Venturi air transfer system antistatic station: Eltex AirStar central air supply extended delivery lacquer tower chamber cube system: Tresu anilox roller Mounting condition: In production / in production State: Excellent

Price on request

DE Germany

HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 // 2008
HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 // 2008 Sold

Year: 2008

Impr: 33mio Equipment: CP 2000 Autoplate Alcolor Ink temperature control Technotrans Combi-Star Alcosmart Autom. Ink roller washer Autom. Blanket cylinder washers Autom. Impr. Cylinder washers AXIS Control CIP3 Electr. Double-sheet control Mech. Double sheet-control Powder Star Sprayer

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2006

HEIDELBERG CD 102 - 5 2006 105 mil imp (no more than 110 mil imp at the availibility) Alcolor Vario Technotrans CP 2000 Preset feeder and delivery Autoplate All washers Clean Star Ink temperature control intelliTrax X-Rite IR Dryer In excellent conditions Available in 01/2019

Price on request

FR France

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Sold

Year: 2009

AxisControl (spectrophotómeter) software modules Instant gate Preset Plus Feeder programmable wash up devices for rollers, blankets and impression cylinder WashStar tool less plate change with Heidelberg Autoplate damening system Alcolor with special rollers allowing alcohol reduction InkStar CAN => automatic ink supply at all 5 printing units CombiStar CANopen with AlcoSmart and AquaDos = incl. ink temperature control extended and high preset Plus delivery (x2) with secadores DryStar 3000 CANopen coating unit with anilox roller Powder Spray Device PowderStar AP …

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2008

Size: 72x102 cm Printing count: 37 Mil. Year: 2008 Machine is in good condition

Price on request

TR Turkey

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1999

CP 2000 with TouchScreen Preset Auto Washes Paper Shells thin papers IR Drier Quick Action Clamps Non-Stop on feeder and delivery In work, no damages Located:Eastern Europe

Price on request

RU Russia

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1997

Size 72 x 102 cm, Elevated machine, CPC 1-04, Cptronic, Alcolor Vario dampening, Technotrans cooling and recirculation device, All washing devices, Intercom, Double extended delivery, Preset stream feeder, Autoplate, Heidelberg IR dryer, Grafix Exatraonic Plus powderspray, Non stop delivery, Eltex antistatic device, Coating unit

Price on request

NL Netherlands

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1998

Offset printing machine Heidelberg CD 102-5, in good condition

Price on request

UA Ukraine

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1997

CPC 1.04: remote control Alcolor dampening Autoplate Prese Blanket, inking unit and printing cylinders automatic washing device Refrigeration Books and tools

Price on request

IT Italy

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2004

Format: 72x102 cm, 28x40 " Number of pages: 185 mio Construction year: 2004 Location : EU Standard equipment: Autoplate: Plate change semi-automatic CP 2000 Preset PLUS Alcolor Vario dampening systems Cooling: Technotrans lacquer tower Chamber crosstalk system: Tresu Anilox roller DryStar AirStar Central air supply Powder sprayer: Weko autom. Washing machine: color, rubber, counter- pressure cylinder extended delivery Mounting condition: In production / in production State: Excellent

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2004


Price on request

CA Canada

Pre-owned HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 LX UV Offset
Pre-owned HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 LX UV Offset Sold

Year: 1999

Number of Printings: 25 mio - CP 2000 - Alcolor with Vario - Technotrans Refrigeration & recirculation - Autoplate - Preset - Ventury air transfert - Automatic wash up device for rollers, blankets and impressions cylinders via CP 2000 - Tresu Coating unit (Kammerakel coating system) - Chrome cylinders - Exatronic Grafix Plus powder spray (never used) - Steel plate in feeder & delivery - Non Stop feeder & delivery - Machine raised on concrets plinthes 300 mm - IST …

Price on request

DE Germany

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1997

year 1997 CPC 1.04 199 Millions of impressions No autoplate Alcolor Vario technotrans All program controled washers Electronic double sheet control Antistatic Eltex Free of any damage

Price on request

FR France

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 1998

CPC 1.04, CP Tronic, Alcolor dampening, refrigeration unit technotrans, IR dryer, autoplate, Preset, balnket roller washers from COC, In production.

Price on request

IT Italy

Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2001

Machine totally checked, cleaned and re-painted ( total manual clean ) with full optionals: CombiStar, AirStar, WashStar, ScrollStar, DryStar, ecc. Entered in production in 2002 Machine equipped with CP2000: press operativity control console with a colour touch screen monitor. Some of the main functions are: programming of work, circumferential, axial and diagonal registers; ink ducts rotation speed; self-analysis; faults signalling system and inkpots sectors opening remote control. Enables to store up to 250 works. Alcolor: dampening system with automatic pre …

Price on request

IT Italy

1999 HEIDELBERG CD 102-5
1999 HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Sold

Year: 1999

Year 1999. 143 mio impressions. CP 2000. Alcolor with Vario Damping. Preset. Autoplate. Automatic roller/blank/imp cyl. wash via CP2000. Baldwin refrigeration. Baldwin ink temp. control. Venturi air transfer. Grafix Exatronic plus powder spray. Intercom. Steel plate in feeder and delivery. in production.

Price on request

GB United Kingdom

Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2010


Price on request


Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2002

Format: 72x102 cm, 28x40" Number of copies: 163 million Construction year: 2002 Standard equipment: Autoplate: plate change semiautomatic Preset (automatic format setting) Auto. Wash: color, Gummi.-, impression cylinder CP 2000 Alcolor dampening Cooling: Technotrans steel plate: feeder and delivery coater chambered blade system: Tresu extended delivery 2x UV Inter Covers drying UV dryer in delivery powder spray: Grafix (IST) elec. Double sheet control intercom CPC Quality Control Montagezustand : unter Strom / under power State: 1 very good / very …

Price on request

DE Germany

Gebrauchtes HEIDELBERG Speedmaster CD 102-5  Bogenoffset
Gebrauchtes HEIDELBERG Speedmaster CD 102-5 Bogenoffset Sold

Year: 1999

# Alcolor Vario Filmfeuchtwerk # Autoplate: halb-automatischer Plattenwechsel # Farbwerkstemperierung # CPC 21 Qualit # CP 2000 # verchromte Gummituchzylinder # Gummituch Wascheinrichtung # Druckzylinder Wascheinrichtung

Price on request

DE Germany


Year: 1994

220 MIO Année: 1994 CP-Tronic self diagnostic Control and monitor console Alcolor automatic film Dampening IR UVI AUTOPLATE CPC 1.03 Ink and register remote control Preset- automatic size device GRAFIX IR dryer Powder Spray

Price on request

ES Spain

Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2003

CP 2000,Suction table, PRESET, Double sheet control, ALCOLOR, Technotrans Refrigeration,AUTOPLATE, All whasers, IR Dryer, Power Spray Grafix

Price on request

ES Spain

Used Heidelberg CD 102-5 offset
Used Heidelberg CD 102-5 offset Sold

Year: 1996

CPC 1-04, CPTronic, Alcolor, Grafix Hitronic Powder spray unit, IR-dryer, Automatic ink roller washing device, Automatic impression cylinder washing device, Automatic blanket cylinder washing device, double sheet control, Side lay control, Sheet decurler, Preset, Technotrans cooling and recirculation, Autoplate, Preset, Plate punch at extra costs 74 mio

Price on request

NL Netherlands

Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2007

Heidelberg CD 102-5 offset printing machine 5-color CP2000, Alcolor with Technotrans, Autoplate, Preset Plus Feeder, Preset delivery, ink temperature control, Drystar 2000, all washers, all overhauled serviced by Heidelberg, Heidelberg)

Price on request

DE Germany

used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5
used HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Sold

Year: 2007

Age 2007 Size 72x102 CPC Counter 56 mio. Straight machine Alcolor dampening Autoplate ink temperature control Grafix powder sprayer ( betatronic 100 ) Automatic size Technotrans IR dryer baldwin Automatic washing devices in production

Price on request

TR Turkey

Offset 5 couleurs HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 LX d'occasion
Offset 5 couleurs HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 LX d'occasion Sold

Year: 1994

220 Mill Imp CP-Tronic autodiagnostic Alcolor mouillage automatique IR - UVI - AUTOPLATE - CPC 1.03 Ink Preset- automatic size device GRAFIX IR sécheur poudre spray

Price on request

ES Spain

2015  HEIDELBERG CD 102-5
2015 HEIDELBERG CD 102-5 Sold

Year: 2015

Size: 72x102 cm, Prinect Press Center: console for the control operations of the printing machine with 19'' colour touch screen and memory for up to 5.000 jobs, IntelliStart: new feature that allows you to schedule tasks preset the machine is running independently, saving 70% of the operation steps, Easy Control: quality control system, Preset Plus Feeder: new feeder with suction tape feeder, Steel plate on feeder, Electronic double sheet control, Electronic missing sheet detector, Photocells, Automatic ink regulation from consolle, …

Price on request


Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX UV Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 LX UV Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2009

Non stop on feeder and delivery Impression and blanket washing systems Technotrans Beta.t Ink.mate agitator IST UV dryer with 4 interdecks lamps and 5 docking stations 3 lamps at the delivery Chambered coating system Washstar Extended delivery 510 mm Raised machine

Price on request

FR France

Heidelberg CD 102-5 L UV Offset five colours
Heidelberg CD 102-5 L UV Offset five colours Sold

Year: 2002

Machine Control CP2000 Preset Feeder Non-Stop feeder Steel plate in feeder Autoplate Alcolor dampening Automatic inking roller washing device Automatic blanket washing device Automatic impression cylinder washing device Dampening system: Technotrans Beta.C Ink temperature control IST UV coating Water base coating: TRESU chambered ductor system Drying position possibilities: 1-2,3,4,5 3 Interdeck UV drying system UV drying system in delivery IR drying system in delivery Extended delivery Non Stop delivery Grafix Exatronic Duo Plus powder spray Raised machine 50 cms

Price on request

FR France

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