Екапро Блог - Најновије вести о компанији и тржишту половних машина

Exapro helps you regularly for buying or selling your used industrial equipment by publishing on its blog.

There you will find good deals and current opportunities as well as tips for buying, selling and promoting your machines. Technical details and information are also available together with explanations on industrial processes.
In a spirit of proximity with our partners and clients, we also post news about the company itself or about the industry in general.

To find out all tips, information and news from Exapro, visit Hub Exapro, the blog full of advice for buying and selling used machines.

Latest news on Exapro 

Machine tools are considered as a strategic sector for developed countries. The 19th and 20th industrialization had impressed the rich countries, of which France, where the engineering culture, professional schools, and the industry still exist...

Read the article: The market of machine tools in France


Some information about the main manufacturers of industrial machines 

Arburg is a German manufacturer for injection moulding machines. The company was created in 1923 by Arthur Hehl in Lossburg, in Germany...

Read the article: Arburg, manufacturer of injection moulding machines

Amada is a company specialized in the manufacturing of sheet metal machines. The company was created in 1946 by Isamu Amada in Japan...

Read the article: Amada, the specialist of sheet metal machines

Marchesini is a manufacturer of machines specialized in the design of conditioning machines. Created in 1974...

Read the article: Marchesini, the packaging and conditioning expert

Yamazaki Mazak, in the name of its founder, is a Japanese company specialized in the manufacturing of CNC machines tools by swarf removal...

Read the article: Mazak, number one for machine tools

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