Mori Seiki ZT 1000 Y cnc lathe Good value

Year: 2006

Turning length 120 mm
Ø above the bed 450 mm
Type of CNC
Turning Ø 190 mm
Length between centers 750 mm
Spindle taper

WFL Austria M 100 / 5000 cnc lathe

Year: 2006

Turning Ø 950 mm
X-axis 900 mm
Spindle taper
Type of CNC SIEMENS 840D
Z-axis 5370 mm
Tailstock no

Doosan Lynx 220LC cnc lathe

Year: 2013

Turning length 525 mm
Ø above the bed 510 mm
Length between centers 23 mm
Turning Ø 320 mm
Ø above transversing slide 290 mm
Type of CNC FANUC Oi

Used Combi K2 cnc lathe

Year: 2001

Turning length 2500 mm
Ø above the bed 4000 mm
Spindle taper MK5
Turning Ø 245 mm
Type of CNC Fanuc 210 IT
Turning speed 250 rpm

HAAS TL-2 cnc lathe Good value

Year: 2008

Turning length 1219 mm
Ø above the bed 508 mm
Length between centers 1219 mm
Turning Ø 405 mm
Ø above transversing slide 279 mm
Type of CNC HAAS

MAZAK INTEGREX 100IV-S cnc lathe

Year: 2010

Turning Ø 545 mm
X-axis 410 mm
Spindle taper ASA 5
Z-axis 805 mm
Spindle bore 61 mm

Okuma LB 3000 EX II cnc lathe Good value

Year: 2017

Turning length 950 mm
Z-axis 510 mm
Turning Ø 580 mm
X-axis 260 mm
Spindle taper

HAAS ST 40 cnc lathe

Year: 2019

Turning Ø 648 mm
Type of CNC Fanuc
Spindle taper ASA 11
Ø above the bed 876 mm
Z-axis 1118 mm
Turning speed 2400 rpm

Kovosvit Masturn 40 CNC cnc lathe

Year: 1995

Turning length 1500 mm
Type of CNC
Tailstock no
Ø above the bed 400 mm
Spindle taper
Bar feeder no

Spinner TC 65MC cnc lathe

Year: 2006

Turning length 600 mm
Type of CNC
Spindle bore 65 mm
Ø above the bed 320 mm
Spindle taper
Tailstock no

Haas ST-30

Year: 2019

Turning length 660 mm
Ø above the bed 806 mm
Length between centers 762 mm
Turning Ø 432 mm
Ø above transversing slide 527 mm
Type of CNC Haas NGC | 15" LCD

DE BERNARDI H260 cnc lathe

Year: 1997

Turning length 1500 mm
Spindle taper
Number of turrets 1
Type of CNC
Spindle bore 105 mm
Number of tools on turret 6

Mori Seiki NZ2000T2Y2 CNC Lathe

Year: 2011

Turning length 800 mm
Type of CNC
Tailstock no
Turning Ø 320 mm
Spindle taper
Bar feeder no

Index – Werke CNC 11 cnc lathe

Year: 2018

Type of CNC
Spindle bore 65 mm
Spindle motor power 27 kW
Spindle taper
Turning speed 6000 rpm
Tailstock no

HARRISON Alpha 400 Plus cnc lathe

Year: 1998

Ø above the bed 400 mm
Length between centers 1250 mm
X-axis 250 mm
Ø above transversing slide 245 mm
Type of CNC Harrison Alpha / GE FANUC
Spindle taper

TRENS SN 630 S cnc lathe

Year: 1996

Type of CNC
Tailstock no
Spindle taper
Bar feeder no

MORI SEIKI SL-3 H cnc lathe

Year: 1986

Turning length 610 mm
Ø above the bed 400 mm
Length between centers 610 mm
Turning Ø 420 mm
Ø above transversing slide 350 mm
Type of CNC

Schaerer 532 cnc lathe

Year: 1994

Turning length 1500 mm
Ø above transversing slide 355 mm
Type of CNC SIEMENS 820 T
Turning Ø 660 mm
Length between centers 1650 mm
Spindle taper

DOOSAN PUMA MX 2500 cnc lathe

Year: 2007

Turning length 1020 mm
Ø above the bed 750 mm
Length between centers 1755 mm
Turning Ø 540 mm
Ø above transversing slide 600 mm
Type of CNC FANUC 18 TB

Used Star SV-20 Swiss type lathe

Year: 1999

Type of CNC
Tailstock no
Spindle taper
Bar feeder no