Subasta en línea - A Great Range of Confectionery Process and Production Equipment

Subastador All Surplus
Fecha de cierre Mar. 29, 2022
Ubicación Chequia Chequia
Categoría Proceso y Envasado
ID PPM0582
Estado Cerrado

Excellent Process and Production Equipment from 2017/2018. Including polishing drums, steel tanks, conveyor belts and bucket elevators, x-ray units and other assets

- Orangeworks Polishing Drum
- Eagle Pack 430 Pro X-Ray Unit
- Orangeworks Deflashing Drum
- Coperion K-TRON / Brabender Cyclone and Rotary Valve
- HB Group / Munters VR21.600 S Dehumidification Unit (AC Inlet Air Unit)
- TMT Conveyor Belt

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