Online veiling - A Great Range of Confectionery Process and Production Equipment

Veilingmeester All Surplus
Sluitingsdatum mrt 29, 2022
Locatie Tsjechië Tsjechië
Categorie Proces en verpakking
ID PPM0582
Status Gesloten

Excellent Process and Production Equipment from 2017/2018. Including polishing drums, steel tanks, conveyor belts and bucket elevators, x-ray units and other assets

- Orangeworks Polishing Drum
- Eagle Pack 430 Pro X-Ray Unit
- Orangeworks Deflashing Drum
- Coperion K-TRON / Brabender Cyclone and Rotary Valve
- HB Group / Munters VR21.600 S Dehumidification Unit (AC Inlet Air Unit)
- TMT Conveyor Belt

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